

Shikha Goel, IPS
Addl. Director General of Police, CID,
Telangana State.

Crime Investigation Department is the premier investigation agency of Telangana State. Our endeavour is to provide transparent, impartial, efficient and systematic investigation using high end, state of the art equipment with quality forensic support in coordination with national and international agencies. We follow the principle that 'men may lie but material will not'. Our staff is highly trained, motivated, sincere and hardworking to achieve our vision and mission. Our specialized wings include Economic Offences, General Offences, Child and Women Protection, Protection of Civil Rights and Cyber Crimes . We welcome any feedback from the citizens related to any crime. I wish this website paves way for the public awareness about recent crimes and alerts.



 This is a case of preparation for Dacoity which was registered on              06-01-1995 at Jagityal Rural PS, Karimnagar District on a complaint filed by Sri.V.V.Narsingh Rao, Inspector of Police, AD Cell, CID, Hyderabad. This case is initially investigated by the Jagityal Rural PS.  Later, it was transferred to the AD Cell, CID, RO Karimnagar for further investigation.  The facts of the case are that, the complainant found the accused persons A1 to A12 along with other accused persons assembled in a dilapidated house situated at the outskirts of the Perkapally village, Jagityal Town, while the accused persons making preparation to commit Dacoity with dangerous and deadly weapons such as Fake Pistols, Knives, Rods, Stones and Sticks.  Immediately they were apprehended by the Police and seized the said lethal weapons from their possession under a cover of confession and recovery Panchanama and during the confession the accused confessed that the A-20 Ravi Venkati Bommena S/o Venkati Bommena, Age:56 yrs, Caste: Munnuru Kapu, R/o Room No. 481/186, Vinayak Vasudev Chawl, N M Joshi Marg, Satrasta, Mahalaxmi, Mumbai 400011 N/o Dwaraka (Vill), Gandeypalli (M) , Mancherial District, Telangana State  also involved in this case and the accused A-20 since the commission of offence was absconding and the NBW is pending against him since 29 years (i.e, from 1995 year).

On the directions of Smt. Shikha Goel, IPS., Addl. DGP, CID, TS and under the supervision of Sri B. Ram Reddy, Superintendent of Police, CMS, CID, TS, Hyderabad, the NBWs Special Execution Team consist of 1) G.Veerabadraiah, Inspector of Police, EOW, 2) Younus Khan, ASI-1735, 3) J.Ratnaji Rao, ASI-11, 4) P.Madan Mohan Reddy, ASI-610, 5) J.Shankaraiah, ASI-1122  and 6) P.Sreenivas,  HC 2768 of CID, TS, Hyderabad  traced this person who had been evading police for more than 29 years  at Mumbai  apprehended him on 15-03-2024 at about 16:00 hrs at  his rented house Room No. 481/186, Vinayak Vasudev Chawl, N M Joshi Marg, Satrasta, Mahalaxmi, Mumbai and produced him before the Hon’ble First Additional Judicial First Class Magistrate Court at Karimnagar for Judicial Remand.

Addl. DGP, CID Smt. Shikha Goel, IPS has appreciated the NBWs Special Execution Team who have done painstaking work is tracing a long absconding accused.  The teams are being suitably awarded.


      The Crime in Telangana-2022 book has been released today on 19.12.2023 by the Director General of Police, Telangana State, Sri Ravi Gupta, IPS. The book was compiled under the supervision of Sri Mahesh M. Bhagwat, IPS, Addl. DGP CID.

      In the effort to serve as a repository of crime related information, State Crime Records Bureau (SCRB) established under Crime Investigation Department (CID). Over the years SCRB has placed a crucial role in assisting investigation in linking crime to their perpetrators. Maintenance of Crime statistics is main duty charter of SCRB.

Crime in Telangana 2022 published by SCRB, CID Telangana is 1st of its attempt after formation of Telangana state in 2014.

      Such valuable information not only aids law enforcement authorities in crafting effective strategies for crime prevention but also serves as a catalyst for informed discussions and debates on matters of public safety. The commitment to transparency and the proactive sharing of crime statistics are commendable, as they empower various stakeholders, including policymakers, administrator researchers, media, NGOs, and the general public, to contribute meaningfully to the discourse on crime and safety.

       When compared to the year 2021, during the year 2022, Cyber Crime has increased by 48.47%, Economic Offences have increased by 41.37% and the crimes relating to cheating have increased by 43.30%, while Property Offences, Economic Offences, Cyber Crime and Crime against Women have caught the attention of general public. The Telangana Police are paying special attention to investigation and prosecution. Our special emphasis on optimum utilization of scientific tools, forensic science, cyber technology and ensure high quality digital evidence to secure more convictions in the year 2022.

Assembly Elections 2023 seizures by Telangana Police

From 9th October to 1st December 23 6am Police seized cash, Gold/Silver, Liquor, Drugs, Freebies worth 469. 63 Crores Total 11859 FIRs related to seizure Cash Rs 241.52 crores, 241 FIRs Metal  Gold/ Silver worth 175.95 crores, FIRs 5 Liquor worth 13.36 Crores,  11195 FIRs Drugs  22.17 Crores ,323 FIRs Freebies 16.63 Crores, 95 FIRs

In 2018 Elections 103 Crores seizure by Police in which 97 Crores cash seizure and 6 crores other seizures in 2000+ FIRs. Congratulations to all unit officers by name  and supervisory officers for their stupendous achievement under leadership of our DGP Anjani kumar Sir and SPNO Sanjay kumar Jain ADG law and Order .

Best wishes

Mahesh Bhagwat IPS State Expenditure nodal officer

M/s Questnet Enterprise India (P) Ltd., Company (Gold Coin Case) - Accused absconding since 15 years is arrested by NBWs Special Execution Team of CID Telangana from Besant Nagar, Chennai of Tamil Nadu State

The brief facts of the case are that, this is a case of running Money Circulation Scheme, involving cheating by way of dishonestly inducing the customers to part with their amount on misrepresentation of facts. This case occurred prior to 02-07- 2008 at Matwada, Warangal. The complainant Sri Md. Fasiuddin, complained that Sri G. Madhava Rao (A7), and G.Vidyavathi (A10) promoters of Questnet Enterprises India (P) Ltd Company approached the complainant and he was lured into the business of multi-level marketing by false promises and was made to pay Rs.32,000/- towards the purchase of the Gold Coin and Rs.460/- towards registration fee but the complainant did not receive any commission as falsely promised by A-7 and A-10. When the complainant was approached to the M/s Questnet Enterprises India Pvt. Ltd., (A1) for get back his amount from the accused persons, but he could not succeed. Further the complainant stated  that,  the accused company M/s Questnet Enterprises India (P) Ltd Company was registered under the Companies Act-1956 and promoted illegal Money Circulation Scheme with the help of its members by the false promises of antique value for sale of its gold coins which are of lower value at a higher price and thus cheated the innocent public by putting them in mental torture  through counselling and brainwashing and also induced the unwary public to join into its scheme by paying huge entrance fee and coin selling.

The SHO, Matwada, Warangal registered a case in Cr. No186/2008 U/s 420, 385 r/w 341 IPC, Sec. 4, 5 and 6 r/w 2 (c), 9, 3 of the Prize Chits and Money

Circulation Schemes (Banning) Act, 1978. Later, the case was transferred to CID, RO, Warangal.

Further the accused also involved in Cr.No.90/2008 for alleging the same offence at Geesugonda PS. Later, this case was also transferred to CID, RO, Warangal.

Since the commission of office the accused (A-5) Kamakshi Ranganathan, Director, M/s Questnet Enterprises India (Pvt.) Ltd., Besant Nagar, Chennai, Tamil Nadu State is absconding and Charge Sheet was filed by showing absconding accused (A5) and Two NBWs are pending against her since 15 years.

Under the able supervision of Sri B. Ram Reddy, Superintendent of Police, CMS, the NBWs Special execution team consist of 1) Sri K.Uday Shankar,

Inspector of Police, 2) Ch.Thirupathi, SI of Police, 3) J.Ratnaji Rao, ASI-11,

Younus Khan, ASI-1735, 5) P.Madan Mohan Reddy, ASI-610 6) R.Sreeramulu, PC-3963 and 7) M.Srujana, WPC 684 of CID, TS, Hyderabad have executed pending NBWs against the above said accused on 07.11.2023 at Besant Nagar, Chennai, Tamil Nadu State and brought the accused at Hanumakonda, Warangal and produced the accused before the Hon’ble Chief Judicial Magistrate Court at Hanumakonda, Warangal on 08-11-2023 for Judicial Remand.

Addl. DGP, CID Shri Mahesh M. Bhagwat, IPS has appreciated Special Team and they will be suitably rewarded soon.

Krushi Co-operative Urban Bank Case accused arrested by NBWs Special Execution Team of CID Telangana from Palakollu, West Godawari District, A.P State.

          Brief facts of the case: Dr. M.V. Kumar along with other depositors of Krushi Co-operative Urban Bank Ltd, lodged a complaint before the SHO, Mahankali Police Station, Hyderabad stating that the Chairman &&; MD Kosaraju Venkateshwara Rao and other directors and staff of the bank had misappropriated an amount of Rs: 36.37 Crores by collecting deposits from the innocents and closed its shutters on 11.08.2001 without making payments to them even after maturity. In pursuance of criminal conspiracy amongst them, the funds belonging to the depositors were withdrawer from the bank systematically by creating fictitious loan accounts, fabricating documents, falsification of records and accounts etc. A case vide Cr. No. 156/2001 U/s 406, 409, 416, 420, 468, 471, 477A, 120 (B) and Sec. 5 of APPDFE Act 1999  was registered at Mahankali PS and then transferred to the CID on 21.08.2001 for further investigation.

             NBWs Special Execution Teams were formed under the supervision of      Sri. B. Ram Reddy, S.P, CMS, CID, TS, Hyderabad on the instructions from ADG, CID.

              On 23-09-2023 the Special Team of CID traced and apprehended the accused (A-3) Kagithala Sreedhar S/o K.Ramchander Rao, aged:51 years, Occ: Director of Krushi Co-operative Urban Bank, Ranigunj, Secunderabad, now r/o A.P. State, who is involved in the above crime and avoiding the Court proceedings. An NBW is pending against him at MSJ-Spl. Court, Nampally, Hyderabad.

              The Special Execution Team consisting of 1) Sri G.Murali Kumar, Inspector of Police, 2) Sri Ch.Thirupathi, Sub Inspector of Police, 3) Sri J. RatnajiRao, ASI-11, 4) Sri Younus Khan, ASI-1735 and 5) Sri. B. Mahender, PC-2807 of CID, TS, Hyderabad has traced and apprehended the absconding accused from Srirampet limits, Palakollu (Town) PS, West Godawari Dist., A.P. State and produced him before the Hon’ble Court and he was sent to judicial custody. Case is already pending trial in the Hon’ble MSJ- Spl. Court, Nampally, Hyderabad.

               Addl. DGP, CID Shri Mahesh M. Bhagwat, IPS has appreciated Special Team and they will be suitably rewarded soon.


Worksite school project of Rachakonda Police Commissionerate of Telangana State Police initiated in January 2017 by the then CP Mahesh M Bhagwat, IPS currently ADG CID bagged smart police award of FICCI, New Delhi in the category of ‘Child Safety’  in Homeland security conference at FICCI Federation house New Delhi on 15th September 2023.  Telangana DGP Anjani Kumar has appreciated worksite school initiative of Mahesh Bhagwat and team for noble cause of basic education to children rescured from hazardous brick kiln industries there by protecting child rights.

       On 14-12-2022, Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI), New Delhi has invited entries from Telangana Police for FICCI award for best practices in Smart Policing-2022.   Amongst 117 entries  received from 23 organisations including 17 state police forces and  6  CAPFs  and other    central    agencies,    “Worksite    schools”    project    of    Rachakonda Commissionarate  initiated by the then CP Mahesh M Bhagwat IPS got short listed for  Smart  Policing  Award  under  Child  safety  category.  On  15-9-2023, at FICCI federation House,  New  Delhi, Award ceremony was conducted during  the  programme,  “Home  Land  Security-2023”  jointly  organised  by FICCI  and  Vivekananda  International    Foundation.  Padmasree  awardee BSF  DG (Retd)  Sri Prakash Singh,  Smt. Manjari Jaruhar  Retd. Spl. DG CISF, Sri Arvind Gupta IFS retd. formerly Deputy National Security Advisor has honoured Sri Mahesh M. Bhagwat IPS with Smart Policing award.

       In  January  2017  during  Operation  Smile,  370  Odisha  Migrant  worker’s Children     were     rescued    from     Brick     Kilns     in     Choutuppal     and  Bommalaramaram  mandals   of  Bhongir      Yadadri  District  of  Rachakonda Police      Commissionarate.  As    part  of       their rehabilitation,  the   then Commissioner  of  Police Rachakonda,   Sri   Mahesh.M.Bhagwat, IPS has involved other agencies like District Collectors of Yadadri Bhongiri, Ranga Reddy and  Medhcal Malkajgiri to      provide       mid-day   meal scheme    &&; Government Class rooms; Brick Kiln owners association involved to provide school uniforms for children and local transportation facility  ; Civil Society Aide et Action   led by Sri Umi Daniel and  Suresh  Gutta  involved  to provide teachers from Odisha and Maharashtra to teach children rescued from Child labour job in their Oriya / Marathi mother tongue. This Worksite schools, running from January to May every year and after that with the integration certificate   children   are   going   back   to   their   native   states   Odisha/Maharashtra   and  continuing  higher  education.  As  on  today,  6500  Oriya Children and 55 children from Maharashtra state were rescued from Brick kilns and got educated in worksite schools This project with multi partner convergence ensured Right to Education Act getting   strictly   implemented   along        with zero       tolerance  to     child        labour. Earlier this noble was lauded by Noble Peace laureate Sri Kailash Satyarthi and in 2018 received Civil and Human Rights Award from International Association of Chief of Police, America.

        Telangan DGP Sri Anjani Kumar IPS has appreciated this initiative of Rachakonda Police Commissionarate for bringing national as well as international laurels to Telangana Police. ADG CID Mahesh Bhagwat after accepting this award has acknowledged the work done by Rachakonda commissionerate police  ranks  from Home guards  /SPO  to  DCPs  Bhongir,  L B Nagar & Malkajigiri Zones. He specially appreciated contribution of the then Collector Yadadri Anita Ramchandran IAS & the then Collector Rangareddy Dist. Raghunanandan Rao IAS with Aid et action NGO coordinator Suresh Gutta and Brick kiln owners association president Rajendra Reddy. He has thanked Telangana DGP Anjani Kumar for his motivational leadership and continuous encouragement to police for citizen friendly policing


Worksite school project of Rachakonda Police Commissionerate of Telangana State Police initiated in January 2017 by the then CP Mahesh M Bhagwat, IPS currently ADG CID bagged smart police award of FICCI, New Delhi in the category of ‘Child Safety’  in Homeland security conference at FICCI Federation house New Delhi on 15th September 2023.  Telangana DGP Anjani Kumar has appreciated worksite school initiative of Mahesh Bhagwat and team for noble cause of basic education to children rescured from hazardous brick kiln industries there by protecting child rights.

       On 14-12-2022, Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI), New Delhi has invited entries from Telangana Police for FICCI award for best practices in Smart Policing-2022.   Amongst 117 entries  received from 23 organisations including 17 state police forces and  6  CAPFs  and other    central    agencies,    “Worksite    schools”    project    of    Rachakonda Commissionarate  initiated by the then CP Mahesh M Bhagwat IPS got short listed for  Smart  Policing  Award  under  Child  safety  category.  On  15-9-2023, at FICCI federation House,  New  Delhi, Award ceremony was conducted during  the  programme,  “Home  Land  Security-2023”  jointly  organised  by FICCI  and  Vivekananda  International    Foundation.  Padmasree  awardee BSF  DG (Retd)  Sri Prakash Singh,  Smt. Manjari Jaruhar  Retd. Spl. DG CISF, Sri Arvind Gupta IFS retd. formerly Deputy National Security Advisor has honoured Sri Mahesh M. Bhagwat IPS with Smart Policing award.

       In  January  2017  during  Operation  Smile,  370  Odisha  Migrant  worker’s Children     were     rescued    from     Brick     Kilns     in     Choutuppal     and  Bommalaramaram  mandals   of  Bhongir      Yadadri  District  of  Rachakonda Police      Commissionarate.  As    part  of       their rehabilitation,  the   then Commissioner  of  Police Rachakonda,   Sri   Mahesh.M.Bhagwat, IPS has involved other agencies like District Collectors of Yadadri Bhongiri, Ranga Reddy and  Medhcal Malkajgiri to      provide       mid-day   meal scheme    &&; Government Class rooms; Brick Kiln owners association involved to provide school uniforms for children and local transportation facility  ; Civil Society Aide et Action   led by Sri Umi Daniel and  Suresh  Gutta  involved  to provide teachers from Odisha and Maharashtra to teach children rescued from Child labour job in their Oriya / Marathi mother tongue. This Worksite schools, running from January to May every year and after that with the integration certificate   children   are   going   back   to   their   native   states   Odisha/Maharashtra   and  continuing  higher  education.  As  on  today,  6500  Oriya Children and 55 children from Maharashtra state were rescued from Brick kilns and got educated in worksite schools This project with multi partner convergence ensured Right to Education Act getting   strictly   implemented   along        with zero       tolerance  to     child        labour. Earlier this noble was lauded by Noble Peace laureate Sri Kailash Satyarthi and in 2018 received Civil and Human Rights Award from International Association of Chief of Police, America.

        Telangan DGP Sri Anjani Kumar IPS has appreciated this initiative of Rachakonda Police Commissionarate for bringing national as well as international laurels to Telangana Police. ADG CID Mahesh Bhagwat after accepting this award has acknowledged the work done by Rachakonda commissionerate police  ranks  from Home guards  /SPO  to  DCPs  Bhongir,  L B Nagar & Malkajigiri Zones. He specially appreciated contribution of the then Collector Yadadri Anita Ramchandran IAS & the then Collector Rangareddy Dist. Raghunanandan Rao IAS with Aid et action NGO coordinator Suresh Gutta and Brick kiln owners association president Rajendra Reddy. He has thanked Telangana DGP Anjani Kumar for his motivational leadership and continuous encouragement to police for citizen friendly policing

Accused wanted in 3 white collar offences of fraud and cheating to tune of Rs. 34.34 Crores and 3 NBW’s were pending on him since 2020 arrested by CID Telangana NBWs Special Execution Team

Brief facts of the case are that in the year 2015 M. Sadhajan Girish Prasad S/o Sri Narayana Reddy, age: 41 yrs, Occ: Pvt Employee, R/o H.No.16-2-735/D/1/3, T.V.Tower,  Farm Hills,  Asmanghat,    Hyderabad approached   Chaitanyapuri   PS   of   Cyberabad    now Racha-konda police commissionerate  and informed that one person Madduru  Uma  Shankar  S/o Late Lakshmi Narasimha Rao R/o Plot No. 207, H.No: 11-12-369/101, Ramaneeyam, Road No.5, RK Puram, Kothapet, he posed as spiritual guru and in the guise of spiritual upliftment, helping society (Constructing night shelters for homeless, establishing Cow shalas, old age homes, education for poor children) under the banner called “Our Place” with the money he would make from business he took lot of money, amounting to more than Rs 30 Crores since 2006 from complainant and many others, there is no documentary evidence for the transactions. After 3 years from 2009 when complainant started asking him about the business and knew that they have not invested his money and diverted for their personal use. The case registered in Cr.No. 312/2015 U/S 406,420 IPC of Chaitanyapuri PS Hyderabad dated:19.05.2015. In this case he had collected Rs. 30 Crores.


On  02.11.2015  the  case  is  registered  in CCS,  DD,  Hyderabad.  Vide Cr.No. 271/2015 U/S 406, 417, 420, 465, 467, 468, 471 &&; 120 (b) IPC r/w 156 (3) Cr. P.C. and Sec.5 of The Andhra Pradesh Protection of Depositors of Financial Establishments Act, 1999 he collected Rs. 4.17 Crores under the banner called “Our Place” and other real estate companies.


On 11.11.2015 another  case is registered in

 Chaitanyapuri P.S., vide Cr.No. 738/2015, U/s 420, 406, Sec-5 APPDFE Act, in this case he collected


Rs. 17.50 Lakhs under the banner called “Our Place” and other real estate companies.


Later as per the instruction of the ADGP, CID these cases were transferred to CID TS Hyderabad for further investigation vide C.No. 4039/C- 10/EOW/CID/2015 dated: 01-12-2015 of the Addl. D.G.P.  CID  TS Hyderabad.


The Accused Madduru Uma Shankar S/o Late Lakshmi Narasimha Rao is absconding since 2020 and 2 NBWs were pending at The Hon’ble 1st ADJ Cum MSJ Court at L.B. Nagar, Hyderabad and  one  more NBW was pending at Hon’ble MSJ Court, Nampally, Hyderabad.



As per the instructions of Addl. DGP, CID Telangana Special teams for NBW execution formed under the supervision of B. Ram Reddy SP CMS, CID, TS Hyderabad.


           Yesterday i.e. on 04-09-2023 Special Team of CID lead by 1) M. Naresh, SI of Police, In-charge of NBWs special executive Team, 2) Rathnaji Rao, ASI-11 3) P.Madan Mohan Reddy, ASI-610 4) Younus Khan, ASI-1735, K. Venkataiah, HC-807 and 6) G. Srinivas, PC-563, CID, TS, Hyderabad after truthful information, hard work and efforts traced and apprehended the absconding accused wanted since 2020 from Kompalli, Hyderabad.


Addl. DGP, CID Shri Mahesh M. Bhagwat, IPS has appreciated Special Team and they will be suitably rewarded soon. Madduru Uma Shankar S/o Late Lakshmi Narasimha Rao R/o Plot No. 207, H.No: 11-12-369/101, Ramaneeyam, Road No.5, RK Puram, Kothapet.


Cr.No. 312/2015 U/S 406,420 IPC of Chaitanyapuri, PS, Hyderabad dated:19.05.2015. Rs. 30 Crores.


Cr.No. 271/2015 U/S 406, 417, 420, 465, 467, 468, 471 & 120

(b) IPC r/w 156 (3) Cr. P.C. and Sec.5 of The Andhra Pradesh Protection of Depositors of Financial Establishments Act, 1999 of CCS, DD, Hyderabad dated:02.11.2015. Rs. 4.17 Crores.


Cr.No.  738/2015,     U/s     420,    406,    Sec-5 APPDFE        Act,

Chaitanyapuri, PS, Hyd dated: 11.11.2015. Rs. 17.50 Lakhs.


Arrested from Kompalli, Hyderabad on 04.09.2023.

DGP Telangana Sri Anjani Kumar IPS has organised state level half yearly Commissionerates/Districts crime Record Bureaus online workshop for Uniform Service Delivery.

         Telangana State Police DGP Sri Anjani Kumar IPS held State-Level half yearly workshop with all CCRBs/DCRBs for better Coordination and sharing Best Practices. CID chief Mahesh Bhagwat IPS was main coordinator for this firstever conference.

       Hyderabad, August 21, 2023 — In a stride towards advancing administrative efficiency and fostering collaboration the Telangana State Police organized a significant state-level online workshop on August 21, 2023. This workshop served as a platform for sharing insights, discussing best practices.

Director-General of Police Sri Anjani Kumar on Monday said the core functioning of the police department was prevention and detection of crime and everything else is secondary.

“The priority of the department is to analyse crime and criminals and that is why the whole priority of CCRB and DCRB is most important,” he said at the half-yearly DCRB/CCRB workshop organized virtually here.

“The functioning of the investigation is always seen by how effectively we are utilizing fingerprint bureau services and how effectively we are matching fingerprints. What is more important is that those fingerprints, which are matched, must ensure the arrest of the criminals involved in a case,” he said.

He congratulated the police officers for their excellent work in smooth functioning of CCRBs / DCRBs.

Several issues were discussed during the workshop. Identification of missing persons and matching them with available records of traced person as well as unidentified dead bodies   using Darpan app,   monitoring of prisoners released from jail to   keep   watch   on   them, better system of sharing and matching

fingerprints and court coordination and other verticals relating to crime and criminals were discussed.

ADGP CID, Mahesh M Bhagwat IPS, who was chief coordinator of this half yearly workshop, asked the officers to implement the best practices while investigating the cases, uniform services of CCRBs/DCRBs C1, C2 &&; D1 to D10   seats, dedicated staff to be posted for smooth functioning and rewarding them for good works.

IGP Multi Zone-II, Shahnawaz Qasim IPS; IGP Multi Zone-I S Chandrasekhar Reddy

IPS, DIG Home Guards Amber Kishore Jha IPS and other officials were present.

The workshop aimed to enhance coordination by delving into the following key areas:

Best Practices of SCRB: Sri R. Venkateshwarlu, IPS, SP, SCRB, shared valuable insights into the best practices employed by the State Crime Records Bureau, shedding light on effective strategies for record management and analysis. Presentation on DARPAN App: A presentation on the DARPAN App was delivered by Sri Devendar Singh, SP, Intelligence, showcasing the innovative ways technology can be leveraged to enhance policing capabilities specially for tracing  missing  person  and  identification of unidentified dead bodies. Success Story on DARPAN Application and Facial Recognization: The

success story of the DARPAN Application and Facial Recognition was shared by Sri D S Chauhan IPS Commissioner of Police Rachakonda, highlighting how technology-driven initiatives are yielding tangible results.

Finger print Bureau: Sri M.D. Tata Rao, Director of FPB, CID, presented advancements in fingerprint technology and its role in modern investigation techniques. Streamlining Court Monitoring: The Court Monitoring System best practice of Rachakonda police commissionerate developed during tenure of Mahesh M Bhagwat IPS as CP Rachakonda and continued by new CP D S Chauhan IPS shared by Sri M. Jagadeesh, DSP, Armoor former ACP CCRB of Rachakonda Police commissionerate, underscoring the importance of efficient case tracking and judicial coordination for enhancing conviction rate. Functional Competency Centre: Smt. Sita Reddy, DSP, Center of Excellence (COE), CID, elucidated on the coordination of functional verticals at unit and police station levels, emphasizing the importance of FCC at Unit level Section wise debate: The conference featured section-wise debates led by the Incharges of CCRB/DCRB/RCRB, delving into the specifics of all sections. From all units, officers working with SCRB, DCRB and unit head attended and contributed in this workshop.

More than Two Thousand (2,000) Lost/missing mobile devices have been traced/ recovered in a short span of less than 2 months from its launch & Handed over to rightful owners by using CEIR (Central Equipment Identity Register) portal by Telangana Police in association with Department of Telecommunication.

The CEIR Portal which is aimed to curb mobile theft and counterfeit mobiles started functioning in Telangana from 19.04.2023.

On 13.4.2023, Sri Anjani Kumar, IPS, DGP, Telangana inaugurated the One Day Hands-on-training session for the 60 Master trainers and distributed the CEIR user IDs to all the 780 police stations under  31 Police Units on 18.4.2023.

Sri Mahesh M. Bhagwat, IPS, Addl. DGP, CID is designated as Nodal Officer for CEIR portal in the state of Telangana.  The CEIR Portal was developed by the Department of Tele-Communications (DoT). The Telangana state was selected for Pilot project of the portal and started on 19.04.2023.  The National wide CEIR portal was officially launched on 17.05.2023. The concept of this portal was initially guided by Sri SM. Vijay Kumar, IPS, Intelligence Department, T.S and subsequently the CEIR portal was designed and developed by DOT.

 ADGP, CID as “Super User” effectively monitoring the day to day progress of the CEIR resulting in tracing and handing over of  more than (1,000) lost/missing mobiles to their rightful owners in the first month of its launch and another (1,028) mobiles were recovered in a short span of (21) days i.e., from 23-05-2023 to 13-06-2023.

            The following is the consolidated data (20-04-2023 to 13-06-2023) of the CEIR portal of the state of Telangana.

No. of Mobile  Devices blocked

No. of traceability Reports received with percentage 

No. of Devices unblocked and handed over to rightful owners with percentage







            All the Police Units have contributed in tracing of lost/stolen mobile phones. However considerable contributions have come from Cyberabad Commissionerate with 272 mobile devices, Warangal Commissionerate with 163 mobile devices and Kamareddy District with 119 mobile devices.

            In view of the above notable achievement by Telangana Police in coordination with DoT, to serve the  citizens of Telangana more user friendly,  an integration of CEIR application with CCTNS citizen Portal has been completed and it is appealed to the citizens of Telangana to utilize this service or by visiting concern Police Station for uploading information on CEIR portal in order to get back their lost/missing Mobile Devices.

            Sri. K.Rajashekar, DDG Security, Sri. Murali Krishna, Director Security Sri. Raghava Reddy,  Addl. Director are assisting with Smt. Dr. Lavanya Jadhav, SP, Cyber Crimes, CID, Ch. Suresh, Inspector of IT Cell, CID and other Police officials in usage of CEIR application.

                                                                                          Addl. Director General of Police,

                                                                                           C.I.D., Telangana, Hyderabad.

Interstate offender from Rajasthan state wanted in CID & Chilkalguda PS of Hyderabad police commissionerate arrested by CID Telangana NBWs Special Execution Team from, Mumbai, Maharashtra State.

Interstate offender from Rajasthan state wanted in CID &&; Chilkalguda PS of Hyderabad police commissionerate arrested by CID Telangana NBWs Special Execution Team from, Mumbai, Maharashtra State.

Brief facts of the case are in the year 2016 Sri. Ashish Jain s/o. Shree Shyam Jain, age: 32 yrs, Occ: Business, r/o. Flat No. 201, Surya Residency (Plot No.44), Road No.4, Mahendra Hills, Secunderabad. N/o. Sadulpur Viliage, Churu District of Rajasthan approached CID, TS, Hyderabad and informed that two persons viz., Pankit Mehta s/o Narendra Mehta, age 36 yrs R/o. 3-6255/2, Pitamber Building, Himayath Nagar, Hyderabad and Shenky Palan S/o. Mukesh Palan, R/o. Flat No. 502, Sowdhamini Apartment, Prabhatnagar, Dilushuknagar, Hyderabad developed friendship with him and insisted to invest money in their Iron ore small scale business in the name of M/S ABSS Marketing business. They also said that they will pay 5% of the investment every month and return their money after 11 months. Due to which he and his mother have invested Rs. 6, 25,000/- each (total 12, 50,000/-) in their Iron ore business. Later they started avoiding the complainant. Complainant got doubt and asked the accused to provide the information regarding the investment in their Iron ore small scale industry and knew that they have not invested his money and diverted for their personnel use. The case registered in in Cr. No. 07/2017 U/s 406, 420, 506 IPC of CID PS, Hyderabad.

The accused Pankit Mehta s/o Narendra Mehta is absconding since 2020 and NBWs is pending at VI ACMM Court, Nampally, Hyderabad.

As per instructions of Sri Mahesh M. Bhagwat, IPS, Addl. DGP, CID, Telangana Special teams for NBW execution formed under the supervision of Sri B Ram Reddy, S.P CMS, CID, TS, Hyderabad.

Yesterday i.e., on 10-06-2023 Special Team of CID 1) M.V.Shiva Rao, Inspector of Police, 2) Ch. Praveen Kumar, ASI 266, 3) M. Gopal, ARHC 1702, 4) M. Chandramouli, HC 2199 and 5) V. Krishna Murthy, PC 3111 of CID, TS, Hyderabad was traced and has apprehended wanted accused absconding since 2020 from Link Road, west Malad, Mumbai, Maharashtra State.

Addl.DGP, CID Shri Mahesh M. Bhagwat, IPS has appreciated Special Teams and they will be suitably rewarded soon.

CENTRAL EQUIPMENT IDENTITY REGISTER (CEIR) PORTAL One thousand (1,000) Lost/missing mobile devices have been traced/ recovered - Handed over to rightful owners in a short span of one month.

     The CEIR Portal which is aimed to curb mobile theft and counterfeit mobiles started functioning in Telangana from 19.4.2023.

     On 13.4.2023, Sri Anjani Kumar, IPS, DGP, Telangana inaugurated the one day Hands on training session for the 60 Master trainers and distributed the CEIR user IDs to all the  780 police stations under the 31 Police Units on 18.4.2023.

      Sri Mahesh M. Bhagwat, IPS, Addl. DGP, CID CID is designated as Nodal Officer for CEIR portal in the state of TelanganaThe CEIR Portal was developed by the Department of Tele-Communications (DoT). The Telangana state was selected for Pilot project of the portal and started on 19.4.2023.  The National wide CEIR portal was officially launched on 17.5.2023.

       ADGP, CID as “Super User” effectively monitoring the day to day progress of the CEIR resulting in tracing and handing over of  more than 1,000 lost/missing mobiles to their rightful owners in a short span of one month i.e., from 20-04-2023 to 22-05-2023 of its launch.

       The following is the consolidated data (20-04-2023 to 22-05-2023) of the CEIR portal of the state of Telangana.

No. of Mobile  Devices blocked

No. of traceability Reports received with percentage 

No. of Devices unblocked and handed over to rightful owners with percentage







         All the Police Units have contributed in tracing of lost/stolen mobile phones. However considerable contributions have come from Cyberabad Commissionarate with 149 mobile devices, Warangal Commissionarate with 91 mobile devices and Kamareddy District with 79 mobile devices.

         In view of the above notable achievement by Telangana Police in coordination with DoT, to serve the  citizens of Telangana more user friendly,  an integration of CEIR application with CCTNS citizen Portal has been completed and it is appealed to the citizens of Telangana to utilize this service on Citizen Portal without visiting to Mee Seva/ Police Station for lost/missing of Mobile Devices.

          Sri. K.Rajashekar, DDG Security, Sri. Murali Krishna, Director Security Sri. Raghava Reddy,  Addl. Director are assisting with Smt. Dr. Lavanya Jadhav, SP, Cyber Crimes, CID, and other Police officials in usage of CEIR application.


Hyderabad, April 25, 2023: CID chief, Addl. DGP, Sri Mahesh Bhagwat IPS in a program distributed the newly purchased  Finger Print Equipments Kits under MoPF funds (Rs. 1.33 Crores) to Finger Print units of LB nagar zone of Rachakonda, South Zone, West Zone, Central Zone, North Zone of Hyderabad City and Shamshabad zone of Cyberabad.  During the occasion, Addl. DGP Sri Mahesh Bhagwat IPS took a keen interest in understanding the working and usefulness of each item and also informed that in the coming, these kits would be distributed to all the remaining Finger Print Units(including SPFB).

        Sri Tata Rao, Director, FPB, CID while addressing the gathering, informed  that It this is the first time that the FP units have received such equipments from hands of CID chief and list of the items distributed are as follows

1. Master Expert Latent Print Kit:

     This kit includes essential development powders, brushes, lifting tapes, lifting pads, magnifying lenses, scissors, markers, and other necessary items for the development of latent prints at crime scenes.

2. Finger Print Chemical Processing Kit:

      This consists of basic chemical processing items like Iodine fuming and ninhydrin kit which are useful in development of chance prints on porous surfaces like documents, walls, etc.

3.      Latent print brushes:

      Latent print brushes are used for development of chance and would be used to replace the brushes in the Master Expert Latent Print Kit when they are exhausted.

4. Magnetic Powder applicator Kit:

      This kit has magnetic powders along with magnetic brush which is useful for development of chance prints on multicolored surfaces where basic development powders are not very effective.

5. Post-mortem Ink tool kit:

      This kit contains rollers, ink tubes, ink pad, ink strips and special cadaveric spoon which are used to obtain finger prints of deceased, when required.

6. Inked Strips :

       Ink strips are useful for obtaining finger prints of a person quickly which is not possible with regular ink pads, rollers, etc.

7. Magnetic Powders :

       Magnetic powders will used to replace powers in Magnetic Powder applicator Kit when the powders get exhausted.

8. Latent print basic powders:

       Latent print basic powders will used to replace powers in Master Expert Latent Print Kit when the powders get exhausted.

9. Portable multiband light source:

       These light sources would be used for detection of biological evidence including chance prints. This lights also helps for checking clarity of chance prints and for photography of chance prints.

       Sri M Narayana IPS SP(Admin) CID, Sri R.Venkateshwarlu SP(SCRB), Sri P Ravinder SP (Narcotics) CID, Sri S J Nandu Kumar DSP (FPB) along with Inspectors, SI and ASIs of FPB attended the program. 

Theft of identity is the biggest crime in today’s times said Sri Anjani Kumar IPS DGP TS in the One Day CEIR Training of Trainers.

        DGP TS Sri Anjani Kumar sir interacted with Trainees undergoing training on CEIR ( Central Equipment Identity Register) portal of Dept of Telecommunications. He said the nature of crime has changed over a time from grave offences like dacoity to crime involving gadgets . All crimes in today’s times are linked to gadgets. Identity theft is the biggest crime today. A person can create another person with same identity with stolen data. He appreciated DoT for bringing all the stakeholders to one platform to handle such crimes like Mobile theft. He appreciated ADG CID Sri. Mahesh M Bhagwat and officers from DoT for proactively pursuing this project. He reiterated the need for all police officers to update themselves wrt newer technologies to keep abreast with solving the crimes where technology is used. He also appreciated the newer police officers with good tech skills and urged the Unit officers to create a good atmosphere for them to flourish and help in improving the system. He concluded saying that flag of Telangana State Police should always fly high and maintain the status of Telangana Police as number one.

ADG CID Mahesh Bhagwat IPS has briefed DGP Anjani Kumar on CEIR project of blocking IMEI of lost/stolen mobile and unblocking same when mobile is recovered. In Telangana all 746 police stations and all Police commissionerates and Districts login IDs created. Once training at Police station level over soft launching of project will be done.

DOT Director Murali Krishna ITS , Addl Director Raghav Reddy ITS, SP Intelligence SM Vijay Kumar IPS has addressed master trainers and hands on training conducted for a day.

60 officers of various ranks from PCs to Inspectors &&; DSP have attended the one day training. These officers will return to their Units and conduct the said training to PS level nodal officers.

ADG CID Sri. Mahesh M Bhagwat IPS , K. Murali Krishna ITS, Director Security , DoT , APLSA , Sri. SM Vijay Kumar IPS, SP CI Cell Intelligence, Sri. Raghava Reddy ITS ADET, DoT, Smt. Lavanya NJP SP I/c Cybercrimes, Sri. Yadagiri IPS SP Cybercrimes attended the program.




Finger prints clinching evidence enables investigation agencies in connecting offenders to crime and conviction for sure ….. Sri Anjani Kumar, DGP,TS.

On 12.4.2023, while interacting through first ever video conference of DGP with State Level Finger Print Bureau officers of 41 Units in Telangana State, DGP, Sri Anjani Kumar, IPS stated that ‘Collection of finger prints from scene of crime and identification of unidentified dead bodies through finger prints has always played crucial role in crime detection and conviction’.

While appreciating good services of finger print bureau working under supervision of ADG, CID, Sri Mahesh Bhagwat IPS, DGP Sri Anjani Kumar said weightage of finger prints in terms of evidentiary value is always highest. 5 police Finger print units and concerned Unit officers will be awarded for their best performance in 1st quarter of 2023 in chance prints detection of property offences, identification of un-identified dead bodies and use of MSCD devices in verifying finger prints of suspicious persons.

In new 5 zones created in Hyderabad, Rachakonda and Cyberabad Commissionarate and Mulugu District new clues teams will be formed by training of police personnel for 2 weeks with incharges from Finger Print Bureau , DGP said.

ADG, CID Sri Mahesh Bhagwat, IPS while appreciating good work of finger prints units in detection of grave, non-grave property offences, identification of unidentified dead bodies and use of mobile MSCD devise stated that very soon 6 new clues team personnel will be trained. ADG, CID has also interacted with finger print bureau personnel for redressal of their grievances and ensured them on rewarding of every good work. ADG, CID also asked FPB personnel on pursuing of arrest of wanted persons once their finger prints are identified and connected with crime in order to prevent repeated crimes.

Sri M.Narayana, IPS, SP Admin, CID, Sri Tata Rao, FPB Director, Sri Nanda Kumar, DSP, FPB, Rachakonda, many Inspectors, SIs and ASIs of FPB attended first ever video conference of DGP with Finger Print Bureau Staff.

DGP Anjani Kumar said that the Union Home Ministry has constituted best police station award in the country

Hyderabad, April 11 : DGP Anjani Kumar said that the Union Home Ministry has constituted best police station award in the country, as such all the police stations in the state should compete for the best police station award. DGP held a video conference today with all the Police Commissioners, SsP and SHOs who have received the best police station awards in the past.  Women safety Department Additional DG Shikha Goel, CID Additional DG Mahesh Bhagwat, Rachakonda Commissioner DS Chauhan, IGs Kamalasan Reddy, Chandrasekhar Reddy &&; Shahnawaz Qasim attended.

     Speaking on the occasion, DGP Anjani Kumar exhorted the SHOs to work more efficiently to get the National Best Police Station Awards of Ministry of Home Affairs. These awards will be announced by the Union Home Ministry for the year 2023 based on 2022 & in 2024 based on 2023 information. He recalled that in 2017 Panjagutta PS got 2nd best PS in the country, in 2018, Narayanpur PS of Rachakonda was adjudged 13th best in the country, in 2019, Choppadandi Police Station got 8th position and in 2020, Jammikunta Police Station got 10th position at the national level. In 2021, Alair PS of Rachakonda Police Commissionerate was selected in top 75 PSs. He informed that the Union Home Ministry will take into consideration the three police stations that have got the best talent from the Telangana state. The talent achieved in the current calendar year will be taken into consideration for 2024 award.

       During the first four months of the current calendar year, 30 police stations were selected for following better policing procedures in the state. Anjani Kumar noted that all police stations, including these 30 police stations should compete for the national best police station award of 2024.

      DGP stated that around 80 percent of the marks will be determined on the basis of CCTNS data, while the remaining 20 percent of the marks will be from the provision of infrastructure in police stations and feedback from citizens. Additional DG, CID, Mahesh Bhagwat told that special attention should be paid to crimes against women, missing persons, unidentified dead bodies and other crimes and the charge sheet should be filed on time. The concerned Police Commissioners, SPs and especially DSPs have been ordered to pay special attention to these issues.

       Additional DG Shikha Goel listed the points to be taken to achieve the best police station award through power point presentation. IG Kamalasan Reddy briefed the special efforts made by him when he was CP of Karimnagar to select Jammikunta and Choppadandi police stations as the best police stations at the national level in 2019 and 2020. Several SHOs who have won awards in the past shared their thoughts.


       On 03.04.2023, accused Puri Kiran S/o Late Puri Vijaya Ramaiah, Age: 47 years, Occu: Kirana shop, Caste: Vishya (OC), R/o H.No. 2/38, Jallapur Village, Manopad Mandal, Jogulamba Gadwal District involved in Cr. No. Cr. No. 209/2013 U/Sec. 420 IPC at Wanaparthy (T) PS was taken into custody by CID Police and produced before the Hon'ble Principle District and Sessions Judge Court, Wanaparthy for judicial remand.

Brief of the cases: Puri Kiran along with Teppali Suresh Babu, Teppali. Kishore Babu, Puri Suresh Shetty @ Suresh and J.Mahesh @ Jaladurgam Mahesh established a company named "Akshara Gold Resorts Pvt. Ltd." and introduced Royalty income in Real Foods Bazar Pvt. Ltd, by introducing various schemes against the RBI rules. They gave wide publicity through p&hlets/ brochures at Wanaparthy Town and surrounding areas of combined Mahaboobnagar District and collected huge amounts as investments/deposits from the innocent public. They failed to register land in the name of the member/costumer as per their promise and the company was closed subsequently.

       ADG CID Telangana and SP EOW CID Venkatlakshmi has appreciated the team lead by Inspector Sri. R. Ramesh, Inspector Sri. Ch. Nagaraju and S. Narsaiah PC 1254 all from RO Nalgonda for the arrest of accused.

Cycle patrol to cyber patrol transformation journey of police says Anjani Kumar IPS DGP Telangana

      DGP TS, Sri Anjani Kumar IPS attended the Valedictory ceremony of the Training program on "Awareness on Cyber crimes and CyberLaws" for (30) directly recruited junior civil judges of 2021 batch Dr. MCRHRD Institute on 29th March 2023. On 27 th March CID ADG Mahesh Bhagwat IPS has inaugurated this 3 days training program.

      The Ministry of Home Affairs has launched a Scheme by name ‘‘CCPWC’’ (Cyber Crime Prevention against Women and Child),  and Telangana CID is the Nodal Agency for the Telangana State under CCPWC  Scheme. As per the guidelines of the MHA and in collaboration with MCHRD, so far the CID has conducted “Awareness Programme on Cyber Crime and Cyber Law” for 100 Public Prosecutors in 4 batches and 12 Additional session judges. This is the 2nd batch consisting of 30 Judicial officers of Junior Civil Judge rank trained for 3 days with hands on exercise related to cyber awareness and cyber laws by eminent faculties.

     The Main objective of training is to impart knowledge on Cyber crimes, Cyber laws, social media related crimes and skills to handle them. The officers were trained on various topics related to CyberCrimes Prevention &&; Investigation & Cyber Laws.

      DGP, TS Sri. Anjani Kumar IPS has addressed the gathering and said he was previliged to attend this program. The program’s purpose is to make us aware about the ever changing cyber world Our country is densely populated but internet is even more densely populated making it extremely difficult and challenging to patrol this area. We have come a long way from Cycle patrol on streets to Cyber Patrol which is almost impossible. Our challenges in Cyber crime investigation are immense. The one thing that is going to help us surpass these challenges is Awareness. In today’s times 50% of crime reported on a given day is Cyber Crime. When a proxy server is used by a cyber criminal sitting in a Central Asian country we need a lot of money to be spent in detecting the crime and bring the criminal to justice.       In this event  Smt. Sridevi Ayaluri , Course Director, Director IT & CD @ Dr. MCRHRD, Sri. Yadagiri IPS, SP CyberCrimes CID, Smt. Lavanya NJP SP CID I/C Cybercrimes , Sri GunaShekhar DSP , Cybercrimes , CID, Sri. Vijay Kumar , Inspector Cybercriimesn, CID were present at the event.


        On 29-03-2023 the accused A1 Valpapuram Chinnaiah @ Paul r/o Malakondaiah, Age: 45 years, Occ: Pastor, and LLBCM Trust founder, r/o H.No.10-38-10/A, Jantapeta North, Kavali of Nellore district was produced on PT Warrant in Cr. No. 14/2013 U/Sec. 420, 406, r/w 34 IPC, Sec 5 of APPDFE Act &&; Sec. 5 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) of PC & MS (Banning) Act 1978 of Kesamundram P.S of Mahabubabad District, in the Hon’ble Court of VI Addl. Chief metropolitan magistrate, at Nampally. On 14-03-2023 he was convicted for 4 years and 1 month in the Cr.No.83/2012 of Kavali II Town PS of Prakasham Dist. Of AP State and kept in Nellore Central Jail.

Brief of the cases: The accused A1 with some other co accused persons formed a trust in the name of LLBCM (Little Lamb Baptist Church Ministries Trust) and lured the gullible people with the help of Church pastors, that a member who will pay 10,500/- and took membership of the trust. Will be given Rs.2500/- as monthly pension and paid for some months. on that lot of people joined by paying Rs.10,500/- and total volume he cheated in Telangana is around 6 crores. He was arrested in one Pasara PS case in the year 2012 and in some other cases produced on PT Warrant, later he was jumped on bail. He is absconding for last 10 years.

He was also involved in the following cases of Telangana state.

1)       Cr.No.130/2011 of Duggondi PS now at CID RO Warangal          

2)       Cr.No.165/2011 of Mahabubabad Rural PS now at CID RO Warangal

3)       Cr.No.10/2012 Nallabally PS, now at CID RO Warangal

4)       Cr.NO.11/2012 of Pasra PS now at CID RO Warangal

5)       Cr.No.443/2011 of Subedari PS

6)       Cr.No.409/2012 of Uppal PS now at CID RO Karimnagar                

7)       Cr.No.383/2012 of Ghatkeshwar PS now CID RO Cyberabad          

8)       Cr. No. 33/2012 of Khagaznagar PS.

9)       Cr.No.142/2015 Manugur PS

10)     Cr.No.1/2012 of Bellampally PS now at CID RO Karimnagar

11)     Cr.No.328/2019 of Uppal PS

12)     Cr.No.909/2020 of LB Nagar PS.

13)     Cr.No.19/2012 of Moinabad PS now at CID RO Cyberabad              

14)     Cr.No.44/2012 of Madugula PS now at CID RO Mahabubnagar 

In the above cases six more accused are still absconding.

He was absconding in two cases of CID. 

ADG, CID appreciated the team lead by Sri. Sampath, IOP, Sri. Prabhakar, SI, Sri. Rabbani PC for the arrest of accused and they will be rewarded suitably. 

29th online monthly crime review of Telangana DGP with all police commissioners and District SPs done by Telangana state DGP Anjani Kumar, IPS.

     For the 11th consecutive time overall crime in state found below the permissible limit

     DGP appreciated Telangana police for 99% reduction of under investigation POCSO cases

     DGP introduced newly reported Telangana cadre 5 IPS officers of 74RR to Police Force

     A special session on emerging technologies like cryptography, crypto currency and block chain technology with cyber expert Ram Prasad was organised by DGP.

     In an online crime review of Telangana Police organised from DGP office mini conference hall on March 28,  DGP Anjani Kumar directed the police officers to be vigilant against latest emerging technology related crime like crypto currency, block chain and cryptography.  Additional DGPs Mahesh Bhagwat IPS, Abhilash Bist IPS, Sanjany Kumar Jain IPS, Srinivasa Reddy IPS, IGs Chandra Shekhar Reddy, Shanawaz Qasim, DIG Ramesh Reddy and others participated with all Commissioner of Police and District Superintendent of Police units in Telangana.

     DGP Anjani Kumar said that new crimes registered in the name of crypto currency, block chain and cryptography in the cyber sector are likely to become a challenge. Cyber expert Ram Prasad explained through a power point presentation about the nature of these crimes and registration of cases against them. DGP advised the police officers to sensitize the public on 1930 helpline number in case of financial fraud online and filing a complaint through the relevant website on cyber crimes.

     DGP noted that the cases of theft of cell phones have increased across the state and Central Equipment Identity Register (C.E.I.R.) system introduced recently by Department of Telecom Government of India is being specially introduced to identify these stolen cell phones. Stolen mobile phone numbers and IMEI numbers of those phones are entered in this register and it will be easy to identify them and block those phones immediately wherever they are in the state, he said. A police officer will be designated as a nodal officer in each police unit. This policy will be introduced in the next ten days.

     DGP reiterated that every SHO must participate in community policing program four times every month. He said that this policy will help during the crisis. He suggested that for peaceful conduct of Sri Rama Navami Shobha Yatras on the occasion of Sri Rama Navami, procession routes should be cleared from any debris or obstacles in coordination with the Municipal, R&&;B and other departments.   

      He mentioned that after reviewing the functional verticals implemented by the police stations, the constable officers who show the best performance in the performance of duty should be recognized and given suitable rewards. Recently 75 reception officers honoured by DGP at TSPA for their outstanding performances. Appropriate action on the petitions received by the public should be taken expeditiously. He asked to complete the investigation of the cases pending for a long time and take steps to ensure conviction in cases under trial by monitoring trial in coordination with all stake holders.

     DGP has appreciated COE Addl SP Satyanarayana and team for survey they have done on 700 plus PC to SHO rank officers testing their field knowledge on policing in Telangana.

      Newly joined 5 IPS officers of Telangana cadre on attachment with DGP office were introduced to all by DGP who has advised them on learning of Telangana state police manual, best practices and to work for bringing glory to Telangana Police.   

on Inaugural program of Training of 30 Judicial officers at Dr. Marri Chenna Reddy Institute of Human Resource Development On Cyber Laws & Cyber Crimes awareness organized by Telangana CID.

      Cyber Crime&&; Cyber law training program for 30 Judicial Officers was inaugurated by ADG CID Sri. Mahesh M Bhagwat IPStoday at the prestigious Dr. MCRHRD Institute, Hyderabad..

      Ministry of Home Affairs launched CCPWC (CyberCrime Prevention against Women and Children). CID is the Nodal Agency to conduct  these programs in the State of Telangana.

       As per the guidelines of the MHA in CCPWC and in collaboration with MCHRD a Cyber Crimes& Cyber Laws training program for 30 Judicial officersof rank Junior Civil Judges is being conducted for 3 days starting from 27.03.2023 to 29.03.2023.

      So far CID has conducted “Awareness Programs on Cyber Crime and Cyber Law” for 100 Public Prosecutors in 4 sessions and 12 Judicial Officers, Additional Sessions Judges in Batch I, and now in Batch II, 30 Judicial officers ie., newly recruited Junior Civil Judges are going to undergo this training. 

      The main objective of training is to impart knowledge on various kinds of Cyber Crimes with special focus on social media related crimes and investigation skills to handle them. The officers will be trained on various topics of Cyber Crime Investigation and procedures followed during investigation.

      Following Resource persons will train the Judicial officers - Sri. Umapathi Retd IGP, Dr. Sai Sushanth Samudrala, Cyber Law expert &Techno legal consultant, Srinivas Busarapu Cyber Security expert , B. Ravi Kumar Reddy DSP V&E also a Cybercrime investigation expert, Smt.P. Padma Inspector, TS Police, IO in CCPS, Hyderabad City.

       During the Inaugural  function Chief Guest ADG CID Sri. Mahesh M Bhagwat  interacted with the Judicial Officers and said that Cybercrime is a future crime and reiterated the fact that in future every Law Enforcement Agency and Judicial Officer needs to learn in depth about the various MOs in Cybercrimes.

      He said that in today’s times every person who uses internet is prone to become a victim of cybercrime. While saying so he cited an example of a victim who was browsing an innocent looking website and became prey to a cyber criminal .He further mentioned a few cases like the organ trade case where the victim saw an Ad on social media for the need of organ and how the fraudster sent him home after taking the organ and paid him 10% of the promised amount of money. Similarly youth are attracted by cybercriminals for technical jobs but they end up becoming criminals as they are forced to commit CyberCrimes.

      He added that vulnerabilityof a person to cybercrime can be reduced to a great extent if they use an alphanumeric special character inclusive,complicated passwordfor all their online accounts that is difficult to crack by fraudsters online. Password he said must be changed once in three months and one should never use easy passwords which is a common mistake committed by many people. While specifying about vulnerability to cybercrime he mentioned the various steps taken by Telangana State Police to combat CyberCrime.

       Telangana State Police have 4 exclusive CYBERCRIME Police Stations. One in CID,remaining 3 with one each in Hyderabad city, Cyberabad, Rachakonda.

       An exclusive T4C Telangana Cybercrime Coordination Centre is established in line with I4C of MHA. www.cybercrime.gov.in is an exclusive website for reporting cybercrime.  1930 is a toll free number for reporting Cyber financial fraud.

       He further stated that this kind of training is a need of the hour. Also hands on training is introduced from this batch for better understanding cyber crime, it’s investigation.

      Smt.Sridevi Ayaluri, Director IT&CD, Dr.MCRHRD Institute, Sri. Yadagiri IPS,SP CyberCrimes CID, Lavanya NJP, SP I/C Cyber crimes CID, Sri. GunaShekhar DSP, CyberCrimes CID, Smt. Ch. Sireesha Faculty IT & Course Coordinator have participated in the program.


        A state level review meeting of Cyber Crime cases registered in different P.S’s of Telangnaa based on TIPLINES was conducted by ADGP CID, Sri Mahesh M.Bhagwat, IPS, recently. TIPLINES primarily include uploading and wide circulation of Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM).

          A total of 31 cases were reviewed which were at various stages of investigation.  A total of 43 arrests were made so far. A total of 21 arrests were made in 10 cases after the review was conducted. Also 22 arrests in 16 cases were made by the time of review.

A total of 13 new cases were registered after the review. As on today a total of 44 cases are registered based on TIPLINES.Out of which 34 cases are Under Investigation and 8 (PT) cases have been charged and are under trial. ADG, CID during the review has instructed all I.O.s to expedite investigation and to give top priority to CSAM Cases and secure conviction. ADG, CID appreciated the I.O.s who ensured speedy arrests and filed charge sheets in CSAM cases.

          TIPLINES are online tips about circulation of CSAM/(Child Sexual Abuse Material) that are furnished to State CID by National Crime Record Bureau (NCRB). CID analyses these TIPLINES and forwards the same to jurisdictional police for registering of FIRs. Such cases are reviewed regularly by CID for their progress.

           Officers who attended the meeting are, Smt. Sneha Mehra, IPS, DCP, CCPS, Hyderabad, Sri. T.V. Hanumantha Rao, Addl. SP, Cyber Crimes, CID, TS, Hyderabad., Sri. K. Guna Sekhar, DSP, Cyber Crimes, CID, TS, Hyderabad, Sri. M. Prasad, Inspector, Cyber Crimes, CID, TS, Hyderabad, Sri. D. Rama Krishna Reddy, Inspector, Cyber Crimes, CID, TS, Hyderabad, All Investigating Officers of Tip line cases from different units of Telangana. Uploading of pornography material on social media &&; its circulation attracts section IT Act Sec 66 (E), 67 (A), 67 (B), IT Act 2000 – 2008 and Sec 13 r/w POSCO Act 2012, IPC 354 (C) and punishment of up to (i) 1 to 3 years + fine for first conviction (ii) 3 to 7 years + Fine for second or subsequent conviction thereon.

            Perpetrators of such crimes are warned to stay away from such illegal activities, otherwise law will take its own course. Suspect sheets also will be opened with preventive detention of repeated offenders.

List of Krushi Bank depositors who are yet to claim their deposits


A. Rama Krishna &&; A.Parijatam

63, Brookbond Colony, Kakaguda, Sec.bad


A.Rama Chandra Reddy & A.Suguna Reddy

Flat No:102, Amerald House, 1-7-264, S.D.Road, Sec.bad-3.


Akkapalli Srikanth

6-1-341/1, 2nd Floor, Street No:1, Padmaraonagar, Sec.bad.


Aravind Kumar Damani

6-6-125/7, 1st Floor, Anand Ratnaiah Compound, Kawadiguda, Sec.bad.



202, Srinagar Colony, Hyderabad


Ashish Gupta

Primier Refregiration & Electricals, 139/36, Paradise Circle, Sec.bad


B.Surekha Rani

Flat No:406, Padmarao nagar, Hyderabad-25


Balaji Gal vanishing Industries Ltd.

5-4-100 & 101/A, M.G.Road, Sec.bad.


Bhawant Anand

3-5-822/A, Hyderguda, Hyderabad.


C. Nirmala

Vijaysai Apartments, Srinivas Nagar,Hyderabad.


Ch. Kameshwari

No Address



P-11, Lakshmi narayana Apartmetns, 134, P.G.Road, Sec.bad


Deepa Hasani

P-8, Lakshmi narayana Apartmetns, 134, P.G.Road, Sec.bad


Deepak Chandra

9-1-168/3, S.D.Raod, Sec.bad.



Indian Air Lines, Police Lines, Begumpet, Hyderabad


Ganpath Ram

3-3-310, Rangraz Bazar, Sec.bad.


H.B.Shubha Lakshmi

2-2-1121/5B, New Nallakuntas, Hyderabad.


Hajinder Singh Arora

Plot No:5, Road No:2, Near LV Prasad Eye Hospital, Jubliihills, Hyderabad.


Hema Latha

4-3-76/1/5/111, Ranigunj, Secunderabad


Hitesh G Shah

C-95. Minerster road, Ranigunj, Secunderabad.


J.Md.Taher Hussain

10-2-232/1, West Marredpally, Sec.bad.



101, Alakananda, Neek Kaush Valley, Mumbai-77





Jyotsna Chauhan

201, SMR Mejestic Apartments, Jupitor Colony, Sikh Village, Sec.bad.


K.Kavitha & M.Bhuvaneswari

1-1-179/A-6, Chikkadapally, Hyderabd


K.Sirisha & K.Bhopal Reddy

C/o.B.Narasimha Reddy, H.No:5-283, HMT Raod, Chintal, Hyderabad.



Jeera, Secunderabad.



Kamineni Bullimamba &&; Kamineni Vivekanand

7, Bhavanam Mansion, Srininagar Colony, Hyderabad



Nirmal bakey Road


Kavita Vidvani

M.G.Road, Sec.bad.


Khader Pasha Quadri Educational Trust

11-4-656/2, Lakdikapool, Hyderabad-4.


Kothapalli Guru Babu

469, Raod No:36, Jubileehills, Hyderabad.


Lal Roshan Bhivania

Ranigunj, Sec.bad.



Patel Road, Sec.bad.


Lakshmi Rajesh

Sindhi Colony, Sec.bad.



12-2-826/A/15, LIC Colony, Hyderabad-20.



2-1-284, Flat no;201, Nallakunta, Hyderabad.


M/s. Anshuman Steels

5-4-100 & 101/A, Vasundura Complex, M.G.Road, Sec.bad.


Madhubala Parikh & Mohit Parikh

110, Jeera, Sec.bad.



2197, Jeera, Secunderabad


Menaklal M Parikh

Jeera, Secunderabad.


Mylavarapu Srinivas

Qrt C-118, HAL Colony, Hyderabad.


N.Sai Baba

Flat no:204, Sri Ragahva Residency-II, S.R.Nagar, Hyd..



Plot No:25, SBI Staf Colony, PIN-518 003.


Nisha Gupta & Sunil Kumar Gupta

123, Pattargatti, Hyderabad



6-1-1059, Khairatabad, Hyderabad-4.


P.T.Mohan Rangam & P.M.Vijaya Lakshmi

Plot No:9, 4/37, No:5, Lions Town Colony, Hasmathpet, Sec.bad-9.



6-1-1059, Khairatabad, Hyderabad-4.


Parvinder Kaur

3-1-324, Kachiguda, Hyderabad.


Pratik Gupta & Geetha Gupta

Premier Ref  & Elect, 193/36, Paradise Circle,Sec.bad.


Rajesh Agarwal

Flat No:213, My Home Madhuban, Srinagar Colony, Ameerpet, Hyderabad.


Rajinder Singh

3-1-324, Kachiguda, Hyderabad.



Hill Street, Sec.bad


Ramesh P. Rajdev & Geetha R.Rajdev

107, Kabra Complex, M.G.Raod, Sec.bad.


Rashida S. Shaki

2-2-151, Ramgoplapet, Sec.bad.


Ratanjit Singh G/M Simrath Kour

5-1-324, Kachiguda, Hyderabad.


Ravishanker Agarwal

3-110, Fatehnagar, Hyderabad.



Patel Road


Rukhmini Ramrakhini & Dinishi Ramrakhiani

1-8-214-2-A, Par Avenue, P.G.Road, Sec.bad.



Kamineni Bullimamba &&; Kamineni Vivekanand

7, Bhavanam Mansion, Srininagar Colony, Hyderabad



Nirmal bakey Road


Kavita Vidvani

M.G.Road, Sec.bad.


Khader Pasha Quadri Educational Trust

11-4-656/2, Lakdikapool, Hyderabad-4.


Kothapalli Guru Babu

469, Raod No:36, Jubileehills, Hyderabad.


Lal Roshan Bhivania

Ranigunj, Sec.bad.



Patel Road, Sec.bad.


Lakshmi Rajesh

Sindhi Colony, Sec.bad.



12-2-826/A/15, LIC Colony, Hyderabad-20.



2-1-284, Flat no;201, Nallakunta, Hyderabad.


M/s. Anshuman Steels

5-4-100 & 101/A, Vasundura Complex, M.G.Road, Sec.bad.


Madhubala Parikh & Mohit Parikh

110, Jeera, Sec.bad.



2197, Jeera, Secunderabad


Menaklal M Parikh

Jeera, Secunderabad.


Mylavarapu Srinivas

Qrt C-118, HAL Colony, Hyderabad.


N.Sai Baba

Flat no:204, Sri Ragahva Residency-II, S.R.Nagar, Hyd..



Plot No:25, SBI Staf Colony, PIN-518 003.


Nisha Gupta & Sunil Kumar Gupta

123, Pattargatti, Hyderabad



6-1-1059, Khairatabad, Hyderabad-4.


P.T.Mohan Rangam & P.M.Vijaya Lakshmi

Plot No:9, 4/37, No:5, Lions Town Colony, Hasmathpet, Sec.bad-9.



6-1-1059, Khairatabad, Hyderabad-4.


Parvinder Kaur

3-1-324, Kachiguda, Hyderabad.


Pratik Gupta & Geetha Gupta

Premier Ref  & Elect, 193/36, Paradise Circle,Sec.bad.


Rajesh Agarwal

Flat No:213, My Home Madhuban, Srinagar Colony, Ameerpet, Hyderabad.


Rajinder Singh

3-1-324, Kachiguda, Hyderabad.



Hill Street, Sec.bad


Ramesh P. Rajdev & Geetha R.Rajdev

107, Kabra Complex, M.G.Raod, Sec.bad.


Rashida S. Shaki

2-2-151, Ramgoplapet, Sec.bad.


Ratanjit Singh G/M Simrath Kour

5-1-324, Kachiguda, Hyderabad.


Ravishanker Agarwal

3-110, Fatehnagar, Hyderabad.



Patel Road


Rukhmini Ramrakhini & Dinishi Ramrakhiani

1-8-214-2-A, Par Avenue, P.G.Road, Sec.bad.



Kamineni Bullimamba &&; Kamineni Vivekanand

7, Bhavanam Mansion, Srininagar Colony, Hyderabad



Nirmal bakey Road


Kavita Vidvani

M.G.Road, Sec.bad.


Khader Pasha Quadri Educational Trust

11-4-656/2, Lakdikapool, Hyderabad-4.


Kothapalli Guru Babu

469, Raod No:36, Jubileehills, Hyderabad.


Lal Roshan Bhivania

Ranigunj, Sec.bad.



Patel Road, Sec.bad.


Lakshmi Rajesh

Sindhi Colony, Sec.bad.



12-2-826/A/15, LIC Colony, Hyderabad-20.



2-1-284, Flat no;201, Nallakunta, Hyderabad.


M/s. Anshuman Steels

5-4-100 & 101/A, Vasundura Complex, M.G.Road, Sec.bad.


Madhubala Parikh & Mohit Parikh

110, Jeera, Sec.bad.



2197, Jeera, Secunderabad


Menaklal M Parikh

Jeera, Secunderabad.


Mylavarapu Srinivas

Qrt C-118, HAL Colony, Hyderabad.


N.Sai Baba

Flat no:204, Sri Ragahva Residency-II, S.R.Nagar, Hyd..



Plot No:25, SBI Staf Colony, PIN-518 003.


Nisha Gupta & Sunil Kumar Gupta

123, Pattargatti, Hyderabad



6-1-1059, Khairatabad, Hyderabad-4.


P.T.Mohan Rangam & P.M.Vijaya Lakshmi

Plot No:9, 4/37, No:5, Lions Town Colony, Hasmathpet, Sec.bad-9.



6-1-1059, Khairatabad, Hyderabad-4.


Parvinder Kaur

3-1-324, Kachiguda, Hyderabad.


Pratik Gupta & Geetha Gupta

Premier Ref  & Elect, 193/36, Paradise Circle,Sec.bad.


Rajesh Agarwal

Flat No:213, My Home Madhuban, Srinagar Colony, Ameerpet, Hyderabad.


Rajinder Singh

3-1-324, Kachiguda, Hyderabad.



Hill Street, Sec.bad


Ramesh P. Rajdev & Geetha R.Rajdev

107, Kabra Complex, M.G.Raod, Sec.bad.


Rashida S. Shaki

2-2-151, Ramgoplapet, Sec.bad.


Ratanjit Singh G/M Simrath Kour

5-1-324, Kachiguda, Hyderabad.


Ravishanker Agarwal

3-110, Fatehnagar, Hyderabad.



Patel Road


Rukhmini Ramrakhini & Dinishi Ramrakhiani

1-8-214-2-A, Par Avenue, P.G.Road, Sec.bad.




1-34, Green Gold Apartments, Flat No:G1, B-Block, Santosh Nagar, Hyderabad.


S.Goutham FNG  S.Kamalakar Rao

13-5, Officers Colony, ECIL Post, Sec.bad.


S.Kalyani Chakravarthy &&; S.Kamalakar Rao

B-5, Officers Colony, ECIL, Sec.bad.


S.Rama Krishnan

Plot No:45, Sardar Patel Road, Tirumalghery, Sec.bad.


S.Rama Krishnan & Prema Rama Krishnan

Plot No:45, S.R.Colony, Tirumalghery, Sec.bad.


Sailaja Mangipudi

1-1-724/2/8, Padmaja Apartments, Gandhinagar, Hyd.


Sajni Kumar & Urmila Rani Batra

307, Residency Enclave-IV, Maghrath Road,


Satish Sajnani & Jayasree Sajnani

13, Paigah Aprtments, S.P.Road, Sec.bad.


Satyavir Chouhan

201, SMR Mejestic Apartments, Jupitor Colony, Sikh Village, Sec.bad.


Seema Agarwal

AOC Center, Jubitor Colony, Sec,bad.


Shiela Devi Ramrakhiani & Dinesh R

1-8-214/2/AA, Ground Floor, Park Avenue Colony, P.G.Road, Sec.bad.


Shivkanth Agarwal

Flar No:175, Veera Reddy Colony, Boduppal, Hyderabad.


Shweta Agarwal

Flat No:213, My Home Madhuban, Srinagar Colony, Ameerpet, Hyderabad.


Simrat Kaur

3-1-324, Kachiguda, Hyderabad.


Smita Anand

3-5-822/A, Hyderguda, Hyderabad.


Sunil K

28, West Maredpally, Sec.bad.



403, Peace Court, Opp: Country Club, Begumpet, Hyd.


Uma Nagraj

403, Peace Court, Opp: Country Club, Begumpet, Hyd.


Urmila Agarwal & M.Ashok Agarwal

6-3-596/103, 2nd Floor, Naveennagar, Hyderabad.


Venu Gopal Rao. M.

Plot No:11, VST Colony, Rd.No:3, Banjarahills, Hyderabad.


Vijaya Lakshmi R lal

Plot No:7, Srinagar Colony, Tirumalghery, Sec.bad,


Y.Davood & M.S.Hasan

Nakkalagutta, Sec.bad.


Yasmeen Mohd Sayeed

8-1-21/69, Zed Enclave, Flat No:401, Suryanagar, Hyd.



Plot No:G-2, Concord, Somajiguda, Hyderabad.


Mukesh Kumar & Krishna Kumar

21-2-536, Pattarghatty, Urdugally, Hyderabad.


Navneeth Kumar

21-2-636, Urdugally, Hyderabad


Raghunath Dass & Damodhar Dass

15-7-247, Begumbazar, Hyderabad.


Rajiv Batra

B-305, Express Apartments, Lakdikapool, Hyderabad.



Ramesh Kumar Batra

B-305, Express Apartments, Lakdikapool, Hyderabad.





B.Pratap Singh

11-1-267/268, Mylargadda, Sec.bad.


K.Bullimamba &&; K.Vivekananda

Flat No:7, Bhavanam mansion, Srinagar Colony, Hyderabad.


K.Sai Kumari & K.Vivekanand

2L, 4/6, LIG Flats, Kukatpally, Hyderabad.



2-3-422, Ram Gopalpet, Nallagutta, Sec.bad.


G.V.Sai Seshagiri Rao

1-4-880/1/V, Bank of Baroda Colony, Gandhi Nagar, Hyderabad.



P.G.Road, Sec.bad.


Tarun. S

Swamy Arcade, 2nd Floor, Old Bowenpallt, Sec.bad.


Zainab A Backala

5-4-401, Sterling Apartments, Distellery Road, Sec.bad.


Hari Om Garg

Plot No:1, D.V.Colony, Minister Road, Sec.bad.


Krishna Trading Co.

5-5-79, Sri Srinivasa Commercial Complex, F-6, Ranigunj, Secunderabad.


Venkat Reddy

Flat No:205, 2nd Floor, D.V.Colony, Block no:3, Ministers Raod, Sec.bad.


Amina Qureshi

FDI-9445 for Rs.50,000/-, this claim not included in Anne-I to IV


Reetu Batra

Total Deposits of  D.D.No:020933 for Rs.52,170/- and D.D.No:020934 for Rs.52,170/-, totalling an amount of Rs.1,04,340/- and already paid an amount of Rs.1,00,000/-


Shankar Prasad & Sumeet Prasad

Total Deposits of  Rs.1,46,659/- and paid an amount of Rs.1,00,000/- in the year 2002


Sudhesh Kumari Batra

Total Deposits of  D.D.No:020927 for Rs.52,170/- and D.D.No:020932 for Rs.52,170/-, totalling an amount of Rs.1,04,340/- and already paid an amount of Rs.1,00,000/-


Seema Agarwal

15-2-264, Maharajgunj, Hyderabad.

Interaction of ICMEC Vice President with Addl. DGP, CID on Child Sexual Abuse & TIP lines :

ICMEC International Center for Missing and Exploited  Children Vice President Guillermo Garazada and India head Bramwell with Salil Kader &&;&; Chetan Bandaru of US consulate Hyderabad visited on 23rd Feb 23 to CID Telangana & interacted with ADG CID Mahesh Bhagwat IPS regarding training related to Child sexual Abuse, TIP lines etc to law enforcement personal.


           Krushi Co-operative Urban Bank Ltd.,, Secunderabad, was closed down on 11.08.2001 without making payments to the depositors of the Bank. In this connection a criminal case was registered at Mahankali police station, Hyderabad and it was investigated by CID Police, Hyderabad.

           After registration of the case, the CID police attached the properties of the Bank and it’s Directors. Further, for the benefit of the depositors of the Bank, the Hon’ble court had authorized the official Liquidator of the Bank to sell some of the attached properties. Accordingly the Liquidator had auctioned certain properties of the Bank &&; accused persons and realized money to distribute the same to victim depositors.

            As per the orders of the Hon’ble I AMSJ court, Hyd., so far 09 Schedules have been conducted and distributed money to more than 700 depositors and still one hundred plus depositors are yet to receive their deposit money.

            Thus, all the depositors of the Krushi Bank, who have not yet received their un-claimed deposit amounts so far, are hereby informed and requested to submit their claim applications along with identity/ address proofs to the Liquidator of Krushi Bank for settlement of their deposit amounts.

           For further details & assistance please contact the Liquidator of Krushi Co-operative Urban Bank Ltd., on Phone : 9100115627,  Office Address : Office of CC and RCS, Nampally, Gruhakalpa Complex, Opposite Gandhi Bahavan, Hyderabad or contact CID Police J. Venkat Reddy, DSP, EOW, CID, Ph: 9440700870, Off : 3rd Floor, DGP office complex, Lakidikapul, Hyderabad at earliest.

రాష్ట్రంలో నేర పరిశోధనలు, ఫంక్షనల్ వర్టికల్స్, పీడీ చట్టం, రాష్ట్రంలో రైతు ఆత్మహత్యలు, కోర్టు కేసులు తదితర అంశాలపై అందరు యూనిట్ అధికారులు, జోనల్ ఐజి.లు, పోలీస్ కమీషనర్లు, ఎస్.పి లతో సి.ఐ.డి విభాగం అడిషనల్ డీజీ మహేష్ భగవత్, డీజీపీ అంజనీ కుమార్ నేడు వీడియో కాన్ఫరెన్స్ నిర్వహించి సమీక్షించారు.


రాష్ట్రంలో నేర పరిశోధనలు, ఫంక్షనల్ వర్టికల్స్, పీడీ చట్టం, రాష్ట్రంలో రైతు ఆత్మహత్యలు, కోర్టు కేసులు తదితర అంశాలపై అందరు యూనిట్ అధికారులు, జోనల్ ఐజి.లు, పోలీస్ కమీషనర్లు, ఎస్.పి లతో  డీజీపీ అంజనీ కుమార్ నేడు వీడియో కాన్ఫరెన్స్ నిర్వహించి సమీక్షించారు. సి.ఐ.డి విభాగం అడిషనల్ డీజీ మహేష్ భగవత్, మహిళా భద్రతా విగాగం అడిషనల్ డీజీ షికా గోయల్ తదితర ఉన్నతాధికారులు పాల్గొన్న ఈ వీడియో కాన్ఫరెన్స్ లో డీజీపీ అంజనీ కుమార్ మాట్లాడుతూ, రాష్ట్రంలోని అన్ని కమీషనరేట్లు, పోలీస్ జిల్లాల్లో నేరపరిశోధన, నేరస్తులకు శిక్షపడడంలో మంచిపురోగతి ఉందని ప్రశంసించారు.  వచ్చే వారంలో జరిగే శివరాత్రి పర్వదినం సందర్బంగా ఏవిధమైన ఇబ్బందులు లేకుండా తగు జాగ్రత్తలు తీసుకోవాలని సూచించారు. కోర్టు కేసులకు సంబందించిన అంశాలపై సమీక్షిస్తూ, ఎట్టిపరిస్థితుల్లోనూ కోర్టు ధిక్కరణ (కంటెంప్ట్ ) రాకుండా చర్యలు చేపట్టాలని కోరారు.            విజిటింగ్ వీసాలపై వచ్చే విదేశీయులపై నిఘా ఉంచాలని,  అనుమతిలేని సమావేశాలలో వారు పాల్గొనకుండా నిఘా ఉంచాలని స్పష్టం చేశారు. పోలీస్ శాఖ బలోపేతానికి పెద్ద ఎత్తున పోలీస్ నియమాకాలకై రాష్ట్ర ప్రభుత్వం అనుమతించిన విషయాన్ని ప్రస్తావిస్తూ, మరికొన్ని రోజుల్లో పోలీస్ నియామకాల ప్రక్రియ పూర్తై శిక్షణకు పెద్ద సంఖ్యలో పోలీస్ ట్రైయినీలు వచ్చే అవకాశమున్నందని అన్నారు. తమపరిధిలోని అన్ని పోలీస్ శిక్షణా కళాశాలలకు వెళ్లి అక్కడి ప్రిన్సిపాళ్లతో సమావేశమై పోలీస్ శిక్షణకు తగు మౌలిక సదుపాయాలపై సమీక్షించాలని పోలీస్ కమీషనర్లు, ఎస్.పి లకు అంజనీకుమార్ సూచించారు.           ప్రజా జీవనానికి (Public order ) భంగం కలిగించే వారిపై కఠినంగా వ్యవహరించి,  నిబంధనలననుసరించి పిడి చట్టం కేసులను నమోదు చేయాలని స్పష్టం చేశారు. రాష్ట్రంలోని అన్ని కమీషనరేట్లు, ఎస్.పి కార్యాలయాల పరిధిలో పీడీ చట్టం కేసుల నమోదు   ఏక రీతిన ఉండాలని సూచించారు. పీడీ చట్టం ప్రయోగంపై కోర్టు సూచనలను పరిగణనలోకి తీసుకోవాలని స్పష్టం చేశారు. రాష్ట్రంలో రైతు ఆత్మహత్యల నమోదు విషయంలో తగు జాగ్రత్తలు వహించాలని డీజీపీ పేర్కొన్నారు.          ఈసందర్బంగా హై కోర్టులో పోలీస్ శాఖ జీపీ ముజీబ్, పీడీ చట్టాల నమోదులో తీసుకోవాల్సిన జాగ్రత్తలపై పీఎస్ అధికారులకు సవివరంగా తెలియచేసారు. ఈ వీడియో కాన్ఫరెన్స్ లో జోనల్ ఐజి లు చంద్ర శేఖర్ రెడ్డి, షా నవాజ్ కాసీం తదితరులు పాల్గొన్నారు.

Narcotics Drugs and Psychotropic : One day training on NDPS Act and investigation procedure on 27-01-2023

Drug addiction has become ramnant among the youth and some sections of society. Drug trafficking has become an organized crime. To break the chain cases have to be investigated in scientific manner, establishing the link from sources to destination. Search and seizure of drug has to be done properly as per procedure laid down in NDPS Act.

Cops to use space tech to control crime, traffic in Telangana

City Police to sign MoU with Telangana State Remote Sensing Applications Centre

Hyderabad: The police department has decided to use space technology for controlling crime and improve traffic situation in the State apart from reducing road accidents.

Speaking after interacting with Telangana State Remote Sensing Applications Centre (TRAC) Additional Director-General G Sreenivas Reddy and other officials, Director General of Police M Mahendar Reddy said the police would sign a memorandum of understanding with the TRAC to use the technology.

Eamcet question paper leak scam

Hyderabad :  The investigation into the sensational 'EAMCET' case in Telangana has come to an end. The CID, which has completed its investigation into the case that was created in 2016, has filed a charge sheet with full evidence. The case involved 90 people accused. CID has arrested 64 accused so far. The chargesheet said that 23 more accused were in the escape. The CID has identified the role of Narayana and Chaitanya Colleges in this case. Nine employees of the two colleges have also been arrested. With this ... Trials will begin in nam'pally Court soon.

Telangana CID probe finds scam in solar schemes

Hyderabad: Systemic loopholes were exploited to siphon off funds in the guise of incentives for solar power plants, an investigation by the Telangana Crime Investigation Department has shown.

According to the records of Telangana State Renewable Energy Development Corporation (TS Redco), as many as 18,000 plants were set up in undivided Adilabad and Karimnagar districts during 2014-16. The Union Renewable Energy Ministry provides incentives of Rs 11,000 per biogas plant and Rs 90,000 for each solar power plant.

Telangana cops gearing up for Operation Smile

‘Darpan’, the facial recognition tool developed indigenously by the Telangana police was also given to the officers of all units on 08-01-2020 so that, to trace children with more convenience. 

Government announces Seva medals for distinguished cops

On the eve of New Year’s day, the government has announced various types of seva pathakams(medals) to the officers in the Police department including...  

Government announces Seva medals for distinguished cops

On the eve of New Year’s day, the government has announced various types of seva pathakams(medals) to the officers in the Police department including...  

Telangana becomes first in country to link police stations with trial courts

Hyderabad : The Chief Justice Raghavendra Singh Chauhan of Telangana high court on Wednesday inaugurated a new online facility for courts, police stations and all other stakeholders in the criminal justice system in the state. The facility, integration of Interoperable Criminal Justice System (ICJS) with the court software, will enable police and judges to function in coordination in respect of uploading FIRs, chargesheets etc.

CID solves 900 cases using Russain Fingerprint system

Hyderabad : (23-10-2019) : Over 900 property cases have been solved after Telangana Crime Investigation Department (CID) matched latent fingerprints using AFPIS (Automated Finger and Palmprint Identification System) from Papillon AO, Russia. Papilllon-AFIS has also helped in the identification of dead bodies. “Seventy-two dead bodies have been identified using the tool. AFIS has become popular among officer in the field as it gives them real-time information,” said an official.

'Panic button' in Hyderabad cabs now, as police launch new initiative

Sri. M. Mahendar Reddy, IPS, DGP launched the integrated emergency response of patrol vehicles and cab services at DGP’s Office on Monday on   07-10-2019.

12 Telangana officers get Indian Police Medal

The Indian Police Medal awardees include Sri K Bala Rami ReddyD.S.P, C.I.D, Telanga State.

Telangana police rescue 3914 children as part of operation Muskan, 478 cases registered

Telangana police rescue 3914 children as part of operation Muskan, 478 cases registered

Additional DGP Govind Singh inspects CID office in Warangal on 02-07-2019

Additional DGP (CID) Govind Singh, who inspected Warangal Range CID unit on Tuesday, reviewed the progress of cases.  

Operation Muskaan-V began on July 1st 2019

Director General of Police (DGP) M Mahendar Reddy on Wednesday inaugurated one-day training session at DGP office conference hall on 'Operation Muskaan-V' 

Aadhaar details coupled with technical evidence enabled the sleuths of the Crime Investigation Department (CID) trace a boy Dt. 17-05-2019

Hyderabad: Aadhaar details coupled with technical evidence enabled the sleuths of the Crime Investigation Department (CID) trace a boy, who went missing from his house at Sriramnagar Colony in Zaheerabad and reunite him with his family after six years.

Using Face Recognition, Telangana Police Find Girl Missing Since 2 Years Dt. 17-02-2019 With their tool, 'Darpan', police traced the child to an NGO in Madhya Pradesh.

HYDERABAD: With their face-recognition tool 'Darpan', Telangana police have managed to reunite a 7-year-old girl with her parents, two years after she went missing. The child had gone missing from Hyderabad and was found in Madhya Pradesh.

Operation Smile inauguration on 07-01-2019 to trace out the missing children

To trace out the missing children, children involved in child labour, bonded labour, micro industries, begging and trafficked children Operation Smile was inauguration on 07-01-2019.

Conference on ‘Anti Human Trafficking’ held in Hyderabad held on 27-10-2018

The Crime Investigation Department (C.I.D.) of Telangana State organized a Stat-level conference on ‘Anti Human Trafficking’ was organised by the Telangana State Police in collaboration with the Union Ministry of Home Affairs.

World Day Against Trafficking in Persons

At a function organized in the Police Head Quarters on 31-07-2018, the Director General of Police Shri Mahendar Reddy, IPS released the manual in the presence of Padmashree  Awardee  Sunitha Krishnan and the Addl. Director General of Police, CID Shri Govind Singh, Senior Officers in the city participated in the function. Survivor leaders Divya and Manisha thanked the Police Officers for rescuing them and appealed to all of them to become more victim centric.

CID uploads web link to help victims

For helping victims of the Agri, Abhaya and Akshaya Gold fraud, the Telangana CID has uploaded a link on Telangana State police website, www.tspolice.gov.in